These Cats and Their Owner Recreated Iconic Movie Scenes and It’s Purr-fect

These Cats and Their Owner Recreated Iconic Movie Scenes and It’s Purr-fect

Image: @moviecats Instagram

Cats are, without a doubt, the most adorable creatures in the animal kingdom. Although most of the cat population are secretly scheming over world domination and enjoy ignoring us humans despite the ability to understand us, we’d still adore them nevertheless.

Besides being a beloved companion, these felines can serve all sorts of purposes. Among them is being a movie-stand in for famous characters in movies. Meet Willow and Tara, Burmese cats aged four from Nottingham, England. They’ve recreated a handful of iconic scenes with their owners, David and Sarah Chapman, that will surely give Leonardo DiCaprio a run for his money. The couple has even created an Instagram account, named @moviecats, solely for this purpose.

Image: Sarah Chapman

The Burmese siblings surely made a good impression of E.T.

Image: Universal Pictures

Let’s not forget this pretty spot-on horrifying impression of Jack Nicholson in The Shinning.

Image: Warner Bros.

Do you know what’s better than dogs in Lady and The Tramp? Cats.

Image: Walt Disney

Since cats are known to be secretly plotting to take over the human race and eventually acquire world domination, this cat looks so natural with its portrayal of a baby alien in Alien.

Image: 20th Century Fox

Their Instagram account has garnered over 33,000 followers to date and will probably increase for the next few days. If you can't get enough of these Burmese cats, be sure to follow their behind-the-scenes Instagram account, @casualmoviecats.


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