Chef Wan bidas kenyataan balas menantu, dedah menantu minta Serina RM5000 tiap bulan

Minggu lalu Chef Wan ada memuat naik gambar beserta kapsyen tentang hubungan rumah tangga anak perempuannya, Serina yang terpaksa menanggung derita selama 6 tahun setengah hasil perkahwinan bersama Gavin atau nama Islam, Salahudin Ghafar.

Hati ayah mana yang tidak terkesan jika anak yang dijaga sejak kecil sehingga dewasa diperlakukan sebegitu dan disebabkan itu jugalah Chef Wan telah tampil bagi meluahkan perasaannya berhubung isu ini.

Baca artikel sebelum: Kenyataan balas menantu Chef Wan, tidak faham kenapa Serina keluar rumah

Dan hari ini pula lagi sekali Chef Wan telah memuat naik gambar dan kapsyen tentang ketidak puasan hatinya apabila terbaca kenyataan yang dibuat oleh bekas menantunya menerusi sebuah portal tempatan.

Apa yang difahamkan, Gavin telah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang tidak berasas tentang rumah tangganya bersama Serina dan itu telah membuatkan Chef Wan berang dengan tindakan bekas menantunya itu.


I just read my x son in law Gavin giving his side of the story to Free Malaysia Today.
I can see he is trying to justify telling the world he paid for the family bills, put the kids to International school etc… Arent u the father to the kids? That is every father responsibility.full stop!
” I would have been surprised if Serina had asked for additional pocket money and indeed serina to her credit never did, WE HAD NO ISSUEs”
Liar! Liar!
What was all this wife Nafkah for 6 years that was not given a cent to her and he still want to twist and turn?
So all this while when i spoked to him or Serina and we argued about what?
Then he went to say he is devaststed that Rina move out and dont know the reasons? HELLO…
Is he stupid or just ignorance?
U want to cover your mistake pun please come out with a smart excuse la Gavin.
Tak pandai jaga isteri dia cabut lari lor!
He didnt tell the story of the rm5000 u asked from Serina to contribute each month to the house hold expenses?
How come…I paid for everything! Ya right….
“One day we will be judged by our actions and i can hold my head high?”
Dont let me roll on the floor laughing.
When we go to court let see how u can lift yr head high when the judge ask u
” Nafkah isteri ada kasi 6 tahun….Pakaian isteri segalanya ada kasi?”
I loved to be in that court room to see all this smart Ass guy lifting their head up high?.
Yes Rina left the house as she could not put up with your nonsence which i dont need to expose that as that will embarrassed u more but every morning she come to pick the kids to school and picked them up likewise fed them and sent them home how come u dont tell this to the world Gavin?
Why u want to paint her as a useless mother and u are suddenly the Saint Gavin?
We are not hear to argue about u being a good father and a provider to the kids ok.
We are here to tell u to do yr huband Duty that is to provide Nafkah for yr wife…
Nak ku carut aja….yg tu kasi free ke?
Strange how some men will never s*** up to their own mistake that result in their fail marriage!
Oohh i dont know this….oh i dont know why?
Try giving that answer to the lawyer in court?
Hee hee Cant wait all this drama in court.

Rata-rata netzien juga meluahkan rasa marah dengan sikap Gavin yang seperti sengaja mahu lepas tangan dari tanggungjawab sebagai seorang suami dan memutar belit cerita seolah-olah dirinya tidak bersalah dalam hal ini.

51234Apa-apa pun, kami di SURIA mendoakan agar Serina terus diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan dalam mengharungi liku-liku kehidupan sebagai ibu tunggal selepas ini.



Sumber Chef Wan bidas kenyataan balas menantu, dedah menantu minta Serina RM5000 tiap bulan

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