Golongan Flat Earth Rancang Satu Ekspedisi Ke Antartika, Nak Buktikan Pada Semua Manusia Hujung Bucu Dunia Sebenarnya Wujud

Ketika masih ramai yang keliru tentang bentuk sebenar bumi, golongan Flat Earth (FE) sedang merancang untuk ke Antartika bagi membuktikan idealogi mereka.

golongan flat earth rancang ekspedisi ke antartika, nak buktikan hujung bucu dunia

Antartika yang merupakan kawasan di Kutub Selatan akan diterokai oleh FE bagi membuktikan pada dunia bahawa bumi mempunyai hujung bucu dunia.

Menurut Forbes, salah seorang ahli FE iaitu Jay Decasby berkata, ekspedisi ini penting bagi menutup segala tomahan dan tuduhan terhadap mereka selama ini. Menurutnya lagi, sebelum ini pelayar masa dahulu sudah membuktikan bentuk bumi yang rata, tetapi ia masih tidak cukup kuat untuk dijadikan rujukan.

All we have to do to shut this debate down once and for all is get the distance of the coast of Antarctica.

It has been done by early sailors (before the UN was established and set up its Antarctic treaty essentially making it illegal for independent and private exploration of Antarctica) who managed to make 60k+ miles which irrefutably proves the flat earth model, but like all other mountains of evidence for flat earth this is not enough for ballers today.

If we can get to the coast of Antarctica and sail all the way around it, we will get the distance that will prove it’s the outer edges of flat earth and refute entirely every single argument anyone can possibly try to pitch for the sun-worshipping cult of heliocentrism.

Decasby, who is currently developing a TV series about the flat earth movement, continued:

They’ve made laws to not allow any kind of motorized equipment on the ice which would help us prove not only flat earth but what’s beyond the ice wall, but in reality, we don’t even need to get onto the ice to prove flat earth.

The coast of Antarctica on the ball earth is no more than 14.5k miles. On a flat earth, it would be over 60k…we have evidence of 60k+ and none of 14.5.

Sumber : unilad  via era.je

Sumber Golongan Flat Earth Rancang Satu Ekspedisi Ke Antartika, Nak Buktikan Pada Semua Manusia Hujung Bucu Dunia Sebenarnya Wujud

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