Opposition MPs will also table a motion in the Dewan Rakyat to get a response on the tahfiz school fire from minister in the prime minister’s department in charge of Islamic religious matters.
AMPANG: Pakatan Harapan (HP) will raise the issue of safety in educational centres during the Dewan Rakyat session beginning next month, following the loss of 23 lives in the Sept 14 Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz school fire which has been blamed on arson.
DAP Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng said MPs from the PH coalition would also highlight concerns about drug abuse by school children.
“Where did these school children get the money to buy drugs? There is a possibility they are exploited by drug syndicates,” he told reporters after a delegation of DAP and Amanah members visited the family home of single mother Mashawani Mohamed Shahid, 37, who lost three sons in the tahfiz fire.
Police have arrested seven suspects, aged from 11 to 18, most of whom tested positive for drug usage.
DAP member Zulhazmi Shariff, who was with the delegation, urged the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) to speak up on the incident as it owned the building rented by the tahfiz school.
“As a government agency, the council should understand the need for safety. So how did MAIWP put up the building without following specifications?” said Zulhazmi.
He said opposition MPs would table a motion in the Dewan Rakyat to seek a response from minister in the prime minister’s department Jamil Khir Baharom who is in charge of Islamic religious matters.
“There has been a loss of lives, so apart from the tahfiz school, the building owner must also take responsibility,” he said.
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Sumber PH to raise school safety, drug abuse issues in parliament