GEORGE TOWN: The developer of an affordable housing project in Tanjung Bungah that was hit by a landslide on Saturday has vowed to get to the bottom of the tragedy which claimed the lives of 11 construction workers.
In a statement today, Taman Sri Bunga Sdn Bhd (TSB) said it was carrying out a full post-mortem together with independent consultants on the cause of the landslide.
After the checks, it said, the consultants would propose short- and long-term safety measures to ensure the incident would not recur.
Consultant engineers from Arup Jururunding Sdn Bhd (Penang) have been roped in to assist with the checks, it added.
TSB said it had followed all conditions imposed by the local authorities regarding the development, and would cooperate with the proposed State Commission of Inquiry on the matter.
“We are deeply saddened by the tragedy which has led to the loss of lives.
“As a matter of priority, we have been assisting the authorities and relevant organisations to coordinate the search and rescue mission on site and seeing to the plight of the victims.
“We hope that all parties will let the necessary investigations take their course and not speculate over the unfortunate incident pending the conclusion of the same,” it said.
Sumber Developer vows to find cause of Tanjung Bungah landslide