Image: Expedio Design
It really isn’t all that difficult to find lightsaber replicas today. If you practically live and breathe Star Wars, you must have some form of a lightsaber within your possession by now.
But ask yourselves, how many of these lightsabers are actually functional?
Of course, we’re not talking about having the actual weapon of the Jedi from the saga because that would be impossible and… illegal.
Most of the ‘lightsabers’ we see today are either found in toy stores or costume shops, mainly used as props.
Then, this group of Malaysians came along and decided to materialise their Star Wars dreams into something that everybody has yet often overlooked – a lighter.
For the past three years, a bunch of product engineers behind Expedio Design developed the LighterSaber, a Star Wars-inspired device that can be held and ignited in your hands.
The team spent hours and hours perfecting the prototype, mechanism, how it feels when grasped, down to the trademark sound effect! The familiar lightsaber sound is launched upon each time you light up the LighterSaber.
This customised lighter is made out of premium zinc alloy, measuring 2.5 cm in diameter and 12.1 cm in length. Whilst the Jedi’s lightsaber is powered by kyber crystal, the LighterSaber only requires everyday lithium coin cell batteries.
You can take a closer look at the LighterSaber in the following video:
So if you’re keen on seeing more of this super cool one-of-a-kind lighter, the team has put up a campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and get the LighterSaber out in full force, from 9 January to 8 February 2018 at 5:30pm AWST.
We can’t wait to see the LighterSaber come to life because seriously, the sound effect alone will make you the coolest kid on the block.
May the force be strong in this one!
Sumber This Group Of Malaysians Is Bringing The Galaxy To The Palm Of Your Hand With The LighterSaber